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Dietetics & Nutrition

This guide highlights a number of different resources that will help you with your studies in dietetics and nutrition.

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Films on Demand

Click on the image to login and watch the movie, or search for similar videos in Films On Demand

ScienceDirect Overview - Dietetics

Dietetics - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Dietetics is defined as 'the application of the science of nutrition to the human being in health and disease.' However, the term 'dietitian,' used to describe a practitioner of dietetics, was in use long before the science of nutrition had become an accepted discipline.

Medical News Today - Nutrition

Nutrition: What is it and why is it important?

Nutrition is the supply of materials that organisms and cells require to live. Humans need seven major types of nutrients to function. A nutritionist studies nutrients, how the body uses them, and the relationship between a person's diet and their health. Here, learn more about nutrients and what a nutritionist does.