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Dietetics & Nutrition

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Selected Books from 2015 to date

Nutrition, Health and Disease

Bringing together key topics in basic science, clinical nutrition, and public health, this is an easy-to-read, student-friendly textbook which clearly demonstrates how the body's demand for nutrients changes throughout life, and thus the variety of ways in which nutrition and diet affect health and disease.

Nutrition and Diet Therapy

Emphasis on clinical applications, nutrient recommendations and food label data, including updated DRIs, cautions for unregulated supplements and descriptions of interactions of food, drug, and over-the-counter nutrients. Life cycle approach that includes screening tools and nutritional interventions for infants, children, adolescents, and mature adults, as well as pregnant and lactating women.  

Clinical Nutrition for Dummies

Get up to date on clinical nutrition for school, work, or your own health. From the proper function of the major organs and the role that proper nutrition plays in their functioning, to a breakdown of carbs, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals, this book provides you with the easy-to-read guide you need to immerse yourself in the subject! 

Community Nutrition

Community Nutrition: Planning Health Promotion and Disease Prevention provides students and professionals with the knowledge, skills, tools, and evidence-based approaches they need to effectively promote health and prevent disease. 

HARD COPY: SIT Library General TX354 Nna 2018

Advanced Nutrition and Dietetics in Nutrition Support

Written in conjunction with the British Dietetic Association, Advanced Nutrition and Dietetics in Nutrition Support provides a thorough and critical review of the fundamental and applied literature in nutrition support. Extensively evidence-based. 

Dietetic and Nutrition Case Studies

Takes a problem-based learning approach to dietetics and nutrition with cases written and peer reviewed by registered dietitians, drawing on their own experiences and specialist knowledge. Each case study follows the Process for Nutrition and Dietetic Practice published by the British Dietetic Association in 2012.

Visualizing Nutrition

Offers students a valuable opportunity to identify and connect the central issues of nutritional science in a visual approach. 

HARD COPY: SIT Library General QP141 Gro 2015