See Subject Guide on how to access eBooks.
A free resource developed and maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information. It provides online access to over 26 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE (also searchable via OneSearch), life science journals, and online books. PubMed citations and abstracts include the fields of biomedicine and health, covering portions of the allied health, physical therapy, health education chemical sciences, bioengineering etc.
See PubMed Subject Guide and PubMed Online Training for search tips.
See Subject Guide for details on accessing to ScienceDirect eBooks.
See Subject Guide for details on accessing.
Access business & financial news including analysis and opinion on business stories etc at your fingertips. E-paper edition of the newspaper is also available for reading. Please access this resource with Chrome browser.
4 concurrent users. Click CONTINUE if you see the message "Your account is used on too many devices" prompted.
- OU Access: On campus and off campus accessible
- Alumni Access: Not accessible
Access Singapore news and international news at your fingertips. E-paper edition of the newspaper is also available for reading. Please access this resource with Chrome browser.
6 concurrent users. Click CONTINUE if you see the message "Your account is used on too many devices" prompted.
- OU Access: On campus and off campus accessible
- Alumni Access: Not accessible