Access Engineering provides online access to over 600 McGraw-Hill engineering books, with the latest editions of classics such as Perry’s Chemical Engineers Handbook, Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers, and many more. The collection covers the areas of biomedical, chemical, civil, electrical, petroleum, environmental, industrial, mechanical, operations management, and software engineering.
Instructional videos, Interactive graphs, and downloadable calculators are also available for access.
- OU access on campus and off campus
- Alumni access from library PCs
It provides full-text access to Association for Computing Machinery publications, including journals, transactions, magazines and proceedings. This database covers the fields of computing and information technology.
- OU access on campus and off campus
- Alumni access from library PCs
Full-text access to publications across all disciplines of civil engineering from the American Society of Civil Engineers. The subscribed collection includes journals, and conference proceedings.
- OU access on campus and off campus
- Alumni access from library PCs and off campus
ASM Handbooks Online is an authoritative source providing information on ferrous and non-ferrous metals and materials technologies. It features the complete content of 24 volumes, several ASM Handbook supplements, and two ASM Desk Edition.
- OU access on campus and off campus
- Alumni access from library PCs
It provides access to quality technical literature in electrical engineering, computing, biotechnology, telecommunications, power and energy. SIT's subscription includes full-text access to the following collections:
- IEEE published and historical standards
- IEEE Journals & Magazines
- IEEE Conference Proceedings
- IET Journals, Magazines and Transactions
See Subject Guide on finding and using of standards.
- OU access on campus and off campus
- Alumni access from library PCs
An interactive full-text database of scientific and engineering handbooks and references from publishers such as CRC Press, Reed Elsevier, McGraw-Hill and John Wiley. Knovel provides quick, authoritative answers to technical questions.
It provides access to more than 30,000 ebook titles, 5,000 continually updated videos, case studies, assessments, learning paths and other tools that enable students to build knowledge and learn critical skills. See more info here.
- OU Access: On campus and off campus accessible
- Alumni access from library PCs
It provides online access to more than 2000 ejournals and 1000 ebooks.
Subject collections include Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Finance, Food Technology, Health Sciences, Hospitality Management etc.
Access coverage of Freedom Collection: 1995 - Present
Access coverage of the following ejournal collections: Vol 1 - present
- Business, Management and Accounting Collection
- Chemical Engineering collection
- Agricultural and Biological Sciences, including Supplement 1
See Subject Guide for details on accessing to ScienceDirect eBooks.
- OU Access: On campus accessible
- Alumni access from library PCs
Web of Science consists of Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, and Conference Proceedings Citation Index.
It is a curated collection of over 20,000 peer-reviewed, scholarly journals published worldwide (including Open Access journals) in over 250 science, social sciences, and humanities disciplines. Conference proceedings and Journal Citation Report are also accessible.
The followings are the Time Span for the collection:
• Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1985 - present)
• Emerging Sources Citation Index ( recent 5 years)
• Science Citation Index (1985 - present)
• Social Sciences Citation Index (1985 - present)
• Proceedings Citation Index (1990 - Present)
- OU Access: On campus and off campus accessible
- Alumni Access: Not accessible
Access to over 18,000 eBooks related to Business & Economics, Engineering, Food Science & Technology, Health Sciences, Information Technology, Medicine, Nursing, Social Sciences and Physical Sciences etc.
A Business database that provides full-text for more than 2,200 journals as well as company profiles, industry reports, market research reports and SWOT analysis. Limit your results to "Industry Profiles" under "Sources Type".
- OU access on campus and off campus
- Alumni access from library PCs
It provides business intelligence on industries, economies and consumers. The content includes millions of statistics and in-depth reports for more than 28 industries across 80 markets worldwide, covering industry trends, market size, market share, forecast etc. The subscribed coverage includes: World, Asia Pacific, Western Europe, North America, Australasia.
- OU access on campus and off campus
- Alumni Access: Not accessible
This database provides access to 1.5 million world-wide statistics on 500 areas from 41 countries for a period of 5 years, including Agriculture, Chemical, Construction, Health, Telecommunication, Tourism& Hospitality, and many more areas. In addition to tables and charts, it also provides access to 2,500 dossiers and 40 industry reports.
- OU Access: On campus and off campus accessible
- Alumni Access: On campus and off campus accessible
provides a comprehensive breakdown of offshore equipment manufacturers, contractors and suppliers, up-to-date news and press releases, white papers and detailed information on current industry projects and trends