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Institutional Research Repository

About IRR

Institutional Research Repository (IRR) is a digital repository of SIT's research outputs. It collects, describes, stores, preserves and provides access to the outputs of SIT's research activities, to allow the University's research outputs to be tracked and made visible to different stakeholders.

IRR is powered by Figshare - a cloud-based platform that allows researchers to make available outputs in a citable, shareable and discoverable manner. By depositing in IRR, you can:

  • increase the discoverability of, and engagement with your research;
  • become compliant with the requirements imposed by funders, publisher policies, and by the University's policies;
  • receive a permanent link (a DOI) to your research online; and
  • track attention through Altmetric.

Check out the Quick Start Guide to deposit your work in IRR.


Who Can Contribute

IRR is a service available to all SIT Academic Staff, Research Staff and Postgraduate Research Students. Contributors to the IRR must be members of the SIT community at time of publication or submission.

For non-academic staff who need to deposit, please contact

What Can Be Deposited

IRR accepts a wide range of research outputs that produced by members of the SIT community and their collaborators, including but not limited to publications, various forms of research data, Doctoral and Masters by Research theses, and others. The Library reserves the right not to accept items that are not appropriate for the repository.


Accepted content types

The types of works you can submit to IRR includes but is not limited to:

  • Books and book chapters
  • Case studies
  • Conference publications
  • Creative works
  • Datasets
  • Images
  • Journal articles
  • Learning objects
  • Multimedia and audio-visual publications
  • Pre- or post-prints
  • Research reports
  • Software and codes
  • Technical reports
  • Theses and dissertations
  • Unpublished reports
  • Visualisations, simulations, and other models
  • Working papers


Accepted file formats

IRR supports almost every file format and provides content previews and visualisations within the browser. Below are some examples.


  • Item intended for commercialisation or where there is intellectual property (e.g. patents designs etc.) to be protected;
  • Item where the researcher has entered into a contract that would not permit inclusion in a research repository;
  • Item containing trade secrets or proprietary material;
  • Item that does not respect cultural sensitivities;
  • Item that is defamatory, deceptive, or is in contravention of the law;
  • Item breaching copyright or the intellectual property rights of any third party; and
  • Active datasets - IRR is not intended to be external storage for project data.