This database contains more than 300 three-dimensional videos of real human anatomic specimens in their natural colors. Coverage includes upper extremity, lower extremity, trunk, head & neck, and internal organs. This resource also offers self-assessment/Q&A and PDF transcripts.
- OU access on campus and off campus
- Alumni access from library PCs
It provides academic videos in the subject areas of allied health, career management, education, engineering, hospitality & tourism, languages, sociology, sciences, technology and more.
- OU access on campus and off campus
- Alumni access from library PCs
Provides access to more than 200 videos clips of patient assessment case studies for the physical and occupational therapy. In addition, 3 videos on StrokeHelp are also available for access.
Interim access: First-time users click "Create Account" on the homepage and register using your SIT email address.
- OU Access: On campus and off campus accessible
- Alumni access from library PCs