A : SIT has a License Agreement with the Copyright Licensing & Administration Society of Singapore Limited (CLASS), which allows SIT to make copies of works owned by CLASS members. The limits of copying are ....
A : Click here for a complied list of publisher contacts ....
Q. How do I login to access the Library’s online resources?
A : SIT Library authenticates access to Library resources via the RemoteXs platform. When encountering this login page, please follow the steps using your SIT ID and Password ....
Q. How do you use and install "Check SIT Library" bookmarklet?
A : You can install and use "Check SIT Library" bookmarklet on your preferred web browser to reload the page and access the content seamlessly using your SIT username and password (if SIT Library subscribes to it). ....
Q. How do I connect Google Scholar with the SIT Library collection?
A : With a few simple steps, you can make it possible for Google Scholar to find the full text of selected articles within the SIT Library collection. ....
Q. What do I do if I see an error message when accessing Library eResources?
Q: Can I print selected pages from a downloaded eBook?
A : Yes you may. However, the number of pages allowed for printing varies on different platforms ....
A : Most eBooks are available for download or use online. Certain eBook platforms may allow ....
Q. How do I search and access / download ebooks in OneSearch?
A : Search using library OneSearch and limit Source type to eBooks ....
Q. Why do I get a message that says “Sorry, this Book is in use” when I try to access an ebook?
Some ebook platforms only allow limited number of users to view an ebook at the same time The message indicates the maximum number of users had reached ....