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Academic Staff Resources

This guide serves as a one-stop place to resources and library services for Faculty, Professional Officers and Research Staff

CAUTION - Excessive Downloading

The IP you are accessing the site with (IP address) has been blocked because it has triggered one of our security measures. Please see the reason below:
Block reason: More than 500 PDF or full text downloads in a session...

If you have seen this message when you are searching the library databases, it means that the database vendor may suspect you of setting a robot, spider, or Web wanderer to mine the database to conduct excessive downloading. Although each vendor or publisher has their own definition of what constitutes excessive, is it usually defined as downloading a large number of articles in a short period of time.

How Can You Help?

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We know that you will often need to download large numbers of results for your research into Mendeley. As long as you are sure that these are the results you need and that you cannot change your keywords to further refine your search, please download the CITATIONS only. For example, use the "save citations" option from the database, or uncheck the PDF option in the Mendeley Web Importer...

saving citations from Sage

saving citations using Mendeley Web Importer


Once you have screened these article citations for relevance, you can then download the corresponding PDF files into Mendeley.

Reference Managers to Save, Read, Annotate, and Cite research papers


Mendeley Web


Product details


Mendeley Guides


  • Free version - 2GB cloud storage
  • Institutional License - 100GB cloud storage (login while ON campus for auto access)

Saving citations / references

Mendeley Web Importer Guide

  • Web Importer
  • Add citations manually
  • Save PDFs, text files, webpages, and book/article citations from websites, Google Scholar, and Library databases


PDF handling

Mendeley Reference Manager Guide

  • PDFs can be saved and read from your Mendeley Library
  • PDFs can be annotated and highlighted
  • Saving PDFs with the Web Importer has been disabled in some databases, e.g. in Science Direct. Download each PDF separately and drag into your Reference Manager Library

Citation styles

Mendeley Choosing and Changing Citation Style Guide

In Text citations and Bibliographies

SIT Mendeley Cite Guide

LaTex* support

  • citations can be exported in BibTeX (*.bib) format for use with a LaTeX document


  • Library - all citations are saved into the Library which is organised into:
    • All References
    • Recently Added – in the past 30 days
    • Recently Read – in the last 30 days
    • Favorites – select the star to add a citation to your favorites
    • My Publications – auto-populated
    • Trash – citations will remain here until you empty the trash bin
  • Collections - used to organise the citations in the Library into categories
  • Search option for quick retrieval of your references
  • Filter option for authors and tags


Points to note

  • Logging in with an SIT email address has caused problems in the past
  • Not optimized for iPhone or iPad
  • Android apps have been discontinued
  • Mendeley cannot read .nbib files, e.g. from PubMed. Use JabRef or BibTex to save as .ris

*LaTeX notes

LaTeX is free, open source typesetting software used to prepare scientific documents for communication and publication. Unlike conventional word processors, e.g. Microsoft Word, where what you see as you are typing or inserting is what you get, LaTeX uses source code to create complex technical text layouts and display mathematical expressions and formulas”. Word can be used to create formulas like the ones in the screenshot below, but LaTeX documents are of a higher standard when it comes to complex alignment, spacing, placement, etc.

LaTeX example formatting

 Kitora, S., Jinno, S., Toki, H., & Abe, M. (2021). Relation of Integro-Partial differential equations with delay effect based on the Maxwell equations to the Heaviside and Pocklington equations. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 63(4), 1223-1230.

Please note that Mendeley is to be used ONLY to manage papers that you have sourced for your own personal research. You may not share or upload any of these sourced papers with anyone else, or the SIT Library will have to report the infraction. If in doubt, please read the Mendeley Terms of Use 


Zotero Web & Desktop


Product details


Zotero Documentation

  • Unlimited Desktop storage (if you do not sync your Zotero account)
  • 300MB free cloud storage

Saving citations / references

Adding Items to Zotero Documentation

  • Zotero Connector
  • Add citations manually
  • Save PDFs, text files, webpages, and book/article citations from websites, Google Scholar, and Library databases


  • Automatically detects duplicates

PDF handling

Adding Items to Zotero Documentation

  • PDFs can be saved and read from your Zotero Library
  • PDFs can be annotated and highlighted

Citation styles

Citation Styles Documentation

In Text citations and Bibliographies

LaTex* support

  • citations can be exported in BibTeX (*.bib) format for use with a LaTeX document
  • BibTeX can also be auto-synced to automatically update the *.bib file when new citations are added


  • Library - all citations are saved into the Library (desktop) or Web Library (online) which is organised into:
    • Collections and Subcollections – used to organise the citations in the Library into categories
    • My Publications – you need to populate this collection yourself
    • Duplicate Items – desktop only
    • Unfiled Items – desktop only
    • Trash – citations will remain here until you empty the trash bin
  • Search option for quick retrieval of your references, includes tags in the search



*LaTeX notes

LaTeX is free, open source typesetting software used to prepare scientific documents for communication and publication. Unlike conventional word processors, e.g. Microsoft Word, where what you see as you are typing or inserting is what you get, LaTeX uses source code to create complex technical text layouts and display mathematical expressions and formulas”. Word can be used to create formulas like the ones in the screenshot below, but LaTeX documents are of a higher standard when it comes to complex alignment, spacing, placement, etc.

LaTeX example formatting

 Kitora, S., Jinno, S., Toki, H., & Abe, M. (2021). Relation of Integro-Partial differential equations with delay effect based on the Maxwell equations to the Heaviside and Pocklington equations. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 63(4), 1223-1230.