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Free EBooks

  • BookSG
    A digital collection of Singapore and Southeast Asia's print heritage maintained by the National Library Board of Singapore.
  • Google Books
    Google has scanned more than 30 million books and magazines and made them freely available  ia Google Books. Please note that not all titles found via Google books search are available for download or can be viewed in its entirety. Only titles in the public domain or not copyrighted are freely available. Other titles have previews or snippets available. Use Google Books’ Advanced Search feature to search for titles that allow for download or full view. Under “Search”, select “Full View Only” or “Google eBooks only“.  When a book is available in “Full View” mode, it means that can be viewed online free of charge. Click on the Link icon to get the unique url to the book.
  • HaithiTrust Digital Library
    HathiTrust Digital Library is a digital preservation repository and highly functional access platform. It provides long-term preservation and access services in copyrighted content for the public domain. It covers a wide variety of sources, including Google, the Internet Archive, Microsoft, and in-house partner institution initiatives.
  • Project Gutenberg
    Project Gutenberg
    This collection of free eBooks focuses mainly on classic works and other titles in the public domain.
  • The Internet Archive
    Internet Archive is a non-profit digital library offering free universal access to books, movies and music, as well as 466 billion archived web pages and more. This ebook platform offers over 15,000,000 freel downloadable books and texts. There is also a collection of 550,000 modern eBooks that can be borrowed by anyone with a free account.
  • University of Michigan Digital General Collection
    Books from the University of Michigan collection, scanned for preservation purposes. View is per page basis.
Leisure Reading