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Research Data Management

This guide contains resources for learning about best practices in research data management.

DMP Question 1a

What type of data will you be collecting or creating? (e.g. experimental, qualitative, image etc.)


  • Provide a brief description of the data, including any existing data or third-party sources that will be used.
  • Consider the types of data your research will generate, for example qualitative survey data, computational models, statistics, measurements, text, images, audio visual data, or samples.
  • If you are reusing third-party data, make sure you have sought appropriate permissions to allow for any data sharing or preservation plans.


  • Experimental and observational data in physical paper format will be collected. These are data related to production and decomposition, ecophysiological functional traits, soil extractable nutrients and mineralization rates. As these original data in physical paper format will be used to identify outliers and possible transcription errors, the physical paper copies will be kept for at least 10 years.
  • Every two days, we will subsample E. affinis populations growing under our treatment conditions. We will use a microscope to identify the life-stage and sex of the subsampled individuals. We will document the information first in a laboratory notebook and then copy the data into an Excel spreadsheet. For quality control, values will be entered separately by two different people to ensure accuracy. The Excel spreadsheet will be save d as comma-separated value (.csv) file daily and backed up to a server. After all data are collected, the Excel spreadsheet will be saved as a .csv file and imported into the program R for statistical analysis.

DMP Question 1b

What is the estimated size of the project data?

☐  1GB

☐ > 1GB  50GB

☐ > 50GB  100GB

☐ > 100GB  500GB

☐ > 500GB  1TB

☐ > 1TB  10TB

☐ > 10TB  50TB

☐ > 50TB. Please state estimated size __________ TB


  • Consider implications of data volumes. Do you have sufficient storage? Will the scale of the data pose challenges when sharing or transferring data between sites?

DMP Question 1c

Will you use data from other sources?

☐ No

☐ Yes

If yes, please state source: ______________________________

Please state the condition to obtain and use the data.


  • Are there any secondary data you are reusing? This could include data from earlier projects or third-party sources. Provide the title, author, date, URLs/name of these sources.
  • Do you need to pay to reuse secondary data? If purchasing or reusing secondary data sources, explain how issues such as copyright and IPR have been addressed.
  • Condition refers to the precondition that was established between the researcher and data sources owner (if any) on how the data should be used, distributed, disclosed or stored.
  • Check the license associated with these data or the data owners to verify what you can and can't do with these data.