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Sustainability @ SIT


Sustainable Business

Sustainable Business


Sustainable business refers to a business that operates in a way that minimizes its negative impact on the environment, while also considering the social and economic implications of its actions. It involves implementing practices that promote environmental stewardship, social equity, and economic growth. One such practice is the adoption of circular economy principles.

The circular economy is an economic model that focuses on minimizing waste and maximizing resource efficiency by creating a closed-loop system where materials are reused, recycled, or repurposed instead of being discarded. Sustainable businesses can adopt circular economy principles as part of their overall approach to sustainability. This can involve designing products and processes that promote the circular use of resources, such as using renewable materials, reducing waste, and promoting the reuse and recycling of materials. (OpenAI, 2023). 


OpenAI(2023, May 23). ChatGPT response to "what is the difference between sustainable business and circular economy?" [Large language model].

Resources from Singapore

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Alliance for Sustainability Innovation (ASI)

A collaborative platform for SMEs in Singapore to exchange knowledge, experiences and best practices for their sustainability journeys.

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Are Markets Interested in Adapting to Climate? Insights from Singapore

This research investigates the delivery of climate finance for climate change projects in Singapore and develops recommendations based on industry insights from leading institutions, senior officials, and policymakers regarding the common understanding of finance for adaptation in the country.

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Centre for Governance and Sustainability (CGS)

The CGS was established by the National University of Singapore (NUS) Business School in 2010. It focuses on research in corporate governance and corporate sustainability issues that are pertinent to institutions, government bodies and businesses both in Singapore and Asia. The CGS also organises events such as public lectures, industry roundtables, and academic conferences on topics related to governance and sustainability.

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The Singapore Exchange's (SGX) platform that aims to facilitate collaboration within the ecosystem to catalyse change and deliver growth in a sustainable manner. Its Sustainability Knowledge Hub provides access to SGX's sustainability-related publications and engagements, external disclosure standards and framework as well as resources on key topics of interest.

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Singapore Australia Green Economy Agreement (SAGEA)

Signed on 18 October 2022, the SAGEA is the world's first agreement of its kind. It fosters common rules and standards to: promote trade and investment in environmental goods and services; develop interoperable policy frameworks to support new green growth sectors; and catalyse technology development and cooperative projects in the emerging green economy.

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Singapore Green Finance Centre (SGFC)

An initiative of Imperial College Business School and Singapore Management University whose partners include leading global financial institutions and the Monetary Authority of Singapore, the SGFC aims to develop a new ecosystem for sustainable investing in Asia though research, educational programmes and new talent development.

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Sustainable and Green Finance Institute (SGFIN)

A research institute established by the National University of Singapore (NUS), SGFIN aims to help companies embed sustainability as a key pillar in their business decisions by equipping businesses with critical crpss-disciplinary knowledge, training and toolkits to integrate sustainability dynamics into their business strategies and investments decisions.

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Sustainability in Singapore: Consumer and Business Opportunities

Based on a survey and social media listening exercise of consumers, this report uncovers the challenges and opportunities in Singapore's current state of sustainability. The results highlight the unmet demand and the need for collective, integrated action across people, public and private sectors to create a sustainable future for all.

Resources from Asia

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Asia Sustainable Finance Initiative (ASFI)

Based in Singapore, ASFI works across six focus areas to support financial institutions in the region in implementing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) best practices. The focus areas include standards, green financial solutions, research and tools, engagement, regulations and guidelines, and capacity building.

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The Business Case for Natural Climate Solutions: Insights and Opportunities for Southeast Asia

Natural Climate Solutions (NCS) are climate mitigation technologies that harness natural processes to reduce or remove greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This joint report by Conservation International, DBS Bank, National University of Singapore (NUS) and Temasek highlights opportunities for businesses to invest in NCS – particularly those in Southeast Asia – to stimulate the implementation of NCS at scale.

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Credible Decarbonisation and Transition for Corporates in Asia

This whitepaper published by the Singapore Exchange lists six key steps and 16 actions that corporates can take to accelerate their decarbonisation journey.

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Reinvigorating Financing Approaches for Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure in ASEAN +3

This report from the Asian Development Bank promotes the use of creative financing models to stimulate sustainable infrastructure development in ASEAN, the People's Republic of China, Japan and South Korea, taking into consideration their unique socio-economic circumstances.

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Sustainable Banking Assessment (SUSBA) 2024

Published by the WWF Singapore, this report benchmarks 39 ASEAN banks and 10 major Japanese and Korean banks against 11 indicators that represent the robust environmental, social and governance (ESG) integration pillars (Purpose, Policies, Processes, People, Products and Portfolio).

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Sustainable Finance Institute Asia

An independent institute that aims to provide unbiased and credible policy recommendations on sustainable finance in Asia, particularly ASEAN countries.

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Who Governs Sustainability?

This report examines two key areas in sustainability governance and practices for 150 of the largest listed companies in Australia, Malaysia and Singapore – sustainability governance structures adopted by these companies and the appointment, role, reporting relationship and attributes of chief sustainability officers (CSOs).

From rest of the World

Carbon Trust

Carbon Trust

The Carbon Trust was founded in 2001 by the UK government with the unique purpose of driving decarbonisation for businesses, governments and financial institutions. Its website provides guides, reports and tools that can help organisations achieve sustainability goals.

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European Sustainable Business Federation works at the European level on advocacy for a sustainable economy, focusing on the areas of Circular Economy, Sustainable Development Goals and Financing.

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The GreenBiz Group is a media and events company focusing on the transition to a clean economy. It publishes free white papers and research across a wide range of topics at that intersection of business, technology and sustainability.

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Green Growth Knowledge Partnership 

A global network of organisations and experts committed to colloboratively generating, managing, and sharing knowledge on the transition to an inclusive green economy. Its three knowledge platforms - Green Policy Platform, Green Industry Platform and Green Finance Platform - provides access to the latest research, case studies, toolkits and learning products on green policy, business and finance.

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Morgan Stanley Institute for Sustainable Investing

Aims to accelerate sustainable finance and the adoption of sustainable investing strategies across capital markets and drive strategic environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives across the firm. It publishes articles and reports pertaining to sustainable investing.

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Sustainability Magazine

A Digital Community for the global sustainability space. Features the latest trends, industry insight and influential projects in the sustainability market.

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Sustainable Business Network (SBN)

A sustainable business organization based in New Zealand that aims to translate leading ideas on business sustainability into action.

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World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)

Global association of over 200 companies dealing exclusively with business and sustainable development.

Circular Economy in Singapore and ASEAN

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Circularity in Retail: Tackling the Waste Problem

This study surveyed fashion retailers, food & beverage outlets, and supermarkets in 3 retail malls in Singapore to analyse the waste generated and create a waste profile. It highlights potential opportunities for recycling and improving waste management practices.

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Delivering on Circularity: Feasibility Study for Reusable E-Commerce Packaging in Singapore

This report provides Singapore’s e-commerce retailers an insight into opportunities and strategies to switch to reusable packaging. It recommends tapping on existing logistics networks, ensuring a frictionless returning mechanism for their customers and, engaging relevant stakeholders in the process to establish a circular system. Case studies from reusable packaging companies have also been added.

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Framework for Circular Economy for the ASEAN Economic Community

Adopted in October 2021, this Framework aims to guide ASEAN in achieving its long-term goals of a resilient economy, resource efficiency, and sustainable and inclusive growth.

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Plastic ACTion (PACT)

Started by WWF-Singapore, PACT is a business initiative that aims to reduce waste and move towards a circular economy by providing businesses with guidance and best practices. Its publications include a guide for businesses on Sentosa to reduce the use of disposables, the Sentosa Playbook for Reducing Disposables, as well as a report on a pilot programme for reusable e-commerce packaging in Singapore.

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Unlocking Sustainable Packaging Opportunities in Singapore

This study jointly produced by Singapore Environment Council and KPMG Singapore aims to uncover opportunities to build a circular economy for packaging materials in Singapore.

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Singapore’s inaugural Zero Waste Masterplan maps out Singapore’s key strategies to build a sustainable, resource-efficient and climate-resilient nation. This includes adopting a circular economy approach to waste and resource management practices, and shifting towards more sustainable production and consumption.

Resources on the Circular Economy

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China Association of Circular Economy (CACE)

Acts as a bridge to carry out the state policy of resource conservation and environmental protection and implement the Circular Economy Promotion Law in China.

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Circle Economy

Combines research, data, and digital tools to develop and implement circular economy strategies and business models. Its knowledge hub contains circular economy case studies and it also publishes a Circularity Gap Report.

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Ellen MacArthur Foundation

Develops and promotes the idea of a circular economy by creating evidence-based original research on the benefits of a circular economy. It explores the opportunities across stakeholders and sectors, and highlights examples of how circular economy principles are being put into practice today.

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European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform

Facilitates civil society consultation, cooperation between national, regional and sectoral networks and the exchange of expertise, information and best practices on the transition to a circular economy in the European Union.

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NIST Circular Economy Program

This program from the U.S. Department of Commerce National Institute of Standards and Technology aims to support the transition from a linear economy to a circular economy by working to fill the gaps in materials, data and measurement science.

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Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy

A public-private collaboration platform for global leaders and their organizations to accelerate the transition to a circular economy. Its website contains resources on circular metrics and features actions taken to transition to a circular economy in the electronics and food industries.