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Robots @ SIT

Get hold of one of the available Robots at SIT Library and start your robotics journey today!

Software Download

RealVNC Viewer (Remote Control Yanshee's Raspberry Pi)

Pycharm (Python IDE)

Putty (SSH Client)

Frequent Asked Questions

I can't find Yanshee using the mobile APP.

Answer: Please make sure Yanshee is switched on.

I can't switch on Yanshee.

Answer: Please hold the power button until the button turns blue. 

How do I find the IP address of Yanshee?

Answer: After you connected to Yanshee using the Yanshee APP, and connected Yanshee to WIFI, you can find the IP address under Menu -> Setup ->Robot Information -> IP Address.

What you need to get start

To begin your journey, you don't need to have a programming background to play with Yanshee. Instead, all you need is a mobile device and a WIFI network. 

Note: Yanshee does not work with Enterprise WIFI. If you are working ON campus you will need to borrow a Library iPad to connect Yanshee to SIT WIFI.

Step 1: Scan the QR code below to install Yanshee APP:


Step 2: Visit Yanshee Developer Guide to learn Yanshee's parts and how to operate Yanshee using the APP.


Step 3: If you wish to program Yanshee for more complicated tasks, attend UBTECH Yanshee Developer Course to program using Python and AI functions. You need to register a free account to attend the course.